York County Food Bank


Senior Food Box Program

Every month, the Senior Food Box Program provides over 2,000 seniors with a free box of food to help stretch their incomes and improve their nutritional health. Boxes typically include milk, juice, canned meat, poultry, or fish, oats, ready-to-eat cereal, rice, pasta, dry beans, peanut butter, and canned fruits and vegetables.

Do You Qualify?

  • Must be 60 or older and living in York County
  • Monthly Income Requirements
    – Household of 1: $1,632
    – Household of 2: $2,215
  • *Must have valid ID

Senior box pick-up:

The Senior Food Box Hours are Monday 1 pm – 3 pm and Wednesday 11 am – 1pm during our regular food distribution at 254 W. Princess Street, York, 17401.

Boxes can also be picked up on a first come, first serve basis 4:30 pm to 6 pm the first and third Tuesday of each month at Living Word Community Church, 2530 Cape Horn Rd.

To register, fill out the form below or call (717) 846-6435 ex. 209.