Host a Fundraiser
If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser in support of the York County Food Bank, please fill out our Third Party Fundraising Application and return it to Development Manager, Kelly Rogers.
Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) tax credits are available to qualifying Pennsylvania businesses and offer credits worth 55% of business donations for approved projects. The York County Food Bank has been a long time beneficiary of the NAP for our Charitable Food Program.
You can make a significant donation without paying a penny in your lifetime. When you include the York County Food Bank in your will, you provide future generations with the nutritious meals they need. Giving is easy, and there are several options available. The simplest way is to list the York County Food Bank as a beneficiary in your will and designate a percentage of your estate or a lump-sum gift. You can also make a charitable contribution through your IRA or life insurance policy.
The Food Bank’s tax ID number is 23-2452484
No matter the gift size, please let us know if you have included the Food Bank in your estate plans so we can properly thank you! For more information about the proper language to use in your will and to inform us of your intent, please fill out the form below.
If you don’t have a will, we are happy to help you get started. For more information, please contact our Development Manager, Kelly Rogers.
Stock Giving
A gift of appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds is an excellent way to support the York County Food Bank. Your donations will still be eligible for a tax deduction, and it may allow you to avoid or reduce capital gains taxes. For more information on potential tax advantages, please consult with your financial advisor. Gifts of securities can easily be made by asking your broker to transfer the stock to the York County Food Bank account at Morgan Stanley.
Please provide your broker with the following information:
Morgan Stanley
Account Number: 916-014402-091
DTC #0015
Please have your broker notify the Food Bank of the expected stock gift by completing our Stock Notification and Transmittal Form.
*It is very important that you or your broker provide your gift information. Our broker often receives stock without the donor’s identity included. Completion of your gift details will help us to identify your gift and process your acknowledgement quickly.
Food Industry Partner Program
Are you interested in donating food from your business? Please read more about our Food Industry Partner Program to learn how your business can help us provide healthy, high quality food to families and individuals in need.
Other Donations
Cleaning out your closets? When you drop off gently used items to CommunityAid, you can impact the York County Food Bank. Just mention our partner number: 20137, and we receive a donation in return.
Fundraisers to Support
Greater York County Crop Walk: Proceeds benefit Church World Service and the York County Food Bank. Click here to learn more.
If you are not able to make a financial contribution but would still like to help the Food Bank, check out these other ways to support us!